How to Get Your Product Through the CE Marking Approval

CE Mark is a European marketing favicon used in European Market. The meaning of the letters  "CE" are the concise  from of  the  phrase “Conformité Européene” which means "European Conformity". The term "CE Marking" initially  Directive by 93/68/EEC in 1993.

 This CE Marking is limited to the European Market. CE mark is a requisite conformity marking for  products to sold  within the European Marketing Area (EEA) since from 1985 .The CE marking is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in, or designed to be sold in, the EEA.

what is CE certification?

CE mark  is an European standard product  marking  that indicates conformation of the product with health, safety, and environmental safeguard standards for the products  that has to be sold in the European Economic Area (EEA).This CE marking are available on the product that are sold out of the EEA so that it will increase the reorganization of the CE marking all over the world.
For any queries you can refer some consultancies  agencies.

How it is Benefits for Your Business 

1. Makes your product can be legally sold in the European Union and the European Free Trade area(EFTA).

2. Enables and Ensures that the product can Transported or sold freely through out the European Single Market

3. Indicates to the customers that the product is meets some minimal safety standards.

4. It also helps you to sell your product recognized in the International European Market.

5. It will Reduce the Marketing and also the investment

How To get the CE Marking ?

1. Identify the Requirement of  the European market for the product
For example
Medical Products
Personal Productive Equipment
Electronic Equipment
Toys etc.

2. Compare your products with European Market Requirement

Make sure  your product belongs to market  requirement category  and then get assured  that your product meets all the legal requirements of the market

3. Try to check whether your product must be tested by  a notified Body

 For some product like electrical products and Machinery we need some conformity for standard bodies. So depending  on your product you should get confirmation      

4. Test your Product

If your product does not need to be verified by any particular standard bodies  then you should check whether your product meets the with technical requirement.

5. Conduct and Compile the Technical dossiers

The technical test you conduct for your product must include all the product and the documents that prove that your product compiles with in the technical requirement.

6. Affix the CE marking and draft a declaration of conformity

At last you can affix the CE marking and the marking must be visible ,eligible and legal along with the full documentation or else you find any difficulty in any of the steps you can consult some certification consultancy for the inquiries.


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